World Access to HE Day Panel Discussion
During World Access to Higher Education Day on 17 November 2021, QAA convened a panel discussion of former Access to Higher Education students who discussed their respective experiences of the Diploma, and where it has brought them.
Sudhuf Khan
Access to HE Graduate and Access to HE Lecturer, Cardiff and Vale College
Access to HE provided me with the confidence, key skills and qualifications to complete my degree. Seeing the change it can have on your life encouraged me to keep going and has had a very big influence on my career.
Romit Laud
Access to HE (Social Sciences) graduate and Year 2 Psychology student, Durham University
The course prepared me for higher education. The course attracts a diverse range of students and that prepared me well for entering higher education as a mature student.
Tom Felton-Hunt
Access to HE (Medicine) graduate and Year 4 Medicine student, Keele University
Tutors were willing and waiting, and wanting to answer questions - they were incredibly supportive.
Professor Nick Petford
Access to HE graduate and University of Northampton Vice-Chancellor and CEO
The University of Northampton’s mission is transforming lives and inspiring change and that started with my journey as an Access to HE student. The Access Diploma certainly transformed my life and it has profoundly impacted on my role as Vice-Chancellor.